Yoga for Seniors
Beginners - Seniors
When a group is formed
When a group is formed
Why yoga in the 70s and 80s?
How you will feel and look at 70, 80 and beyond is your choice and responsibility. You can maintain the vitality of the body, the clarity of the mind, the creativity and live actively. It depends on the beliefs you have about yourself and about life. If you believe that advancing years go hand in hand with disease – high blood pressure, heart disease, body aches, loss of elasticity and mobility, forgetfulness, then you will have that. Our beliefs and thoughts initiate what happens in our lives.
It is hard to believe that you can avoid all these negative states if you do not learn how to observe and direct your thoughts. That is why it is difficult for you to change habits and beliefs that do not benefit you.
When people reach their 50s, 60s, they begin to lose their vital energy and rely on medication to improve their health. Worry, anger, bad mood and inactivity accelerate aging. Many believe that everything important in their lives has passed. Especially women, who have taken care of someone their whole life, so when these responsibilities end because the children, even the grandchildren, have grown up, they feel lonely and useless. It leads to depression.

Lidija Georgieva
Yogic philosophy says that when obligations to family and society diminish or end, it is time to engage more intensely with ourselves. It's time to do the things you've always wanted to do but haven't had time for. The passing years are not an obstacle for that if you learn how to keep your energy and health.
It is normal that at this age you do not have the same strength as at 25. But you can learn how to redirect your energy and use your physical and mental strength differently so that you don't burn out and stay active.
Asanas, the body positions in yoga, do not tire you and do not drain your energy. On the contrary, slow and gentle movements and stretches relax and strengthen the muscles. Bones and joints receive more nutrients. The body becomes firmer and more elastic. Breathing techniques bring more oxygen to your body and improve your immunity.
While performing the asanas and breathing techniques you should be concentrated on your practice. This improves concentration and calms the mind. That, together with the practice of meditation directs your thoughts and emotions towards positive experiences. This calms the nervous system, improves your sleep and restores your good mood.
Practicing yoga is necessary for you if you suffer from:
- Osteoporosis
- Spine diseases
- Spondylosis
- Rheumatism
If you have acute pain, seek help from a doctor. As soon as you feel better, start exercising. It is the only way to prevent the recurrence of pain. Exercise within the limits of your capabilities and gradually increase them. Regular exercise will improve your health. it is best to practice under the guidance of an instructor.
Курсеви на англиски јазик
If there is a sufficient number of interested parties, a special foreign language group is formed. If not, the individuals join the regular groups and the classes are conducted in both Macedonian and English.
Individual consultations and classes
- For better living and personal development
- Related to yogic practice
- To resolve emotional conflicts
- To overcome health problems
They are led by Lidija Georgieva, who prepares individual practice programs.
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